About project
Project title: Fostering Cultural Heritage for bridging intergenerational dialogue (FOCAL)
Contracting period: 2012 08 01 - 2014 07 31
EU programme: Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig Partnership project
Project No.: 2012-1-LT1-GRU06-07163
Project team:
- VšĮ "eMundus" – (Kaunas, Lithuania) - coordinating institution
- Foundation for development of the cultural and business potential of civil society – FDCBPCS – (Sofia, Bulgaria) – partners
- Evropaiko Ergastirio Ekpaideytikis Technologias – EDUMOTIVA – (Sparti, Greece) - partners

Description of the project
Cities and systems of cities and towns are more than economic engines. They are the places within which local cultures are expressed and celebrated, both through diverse heritages and in the creative articulation of societies’ values and aspirations. Yet the cultural dimension of urban life is often ignored or taken for granted in urban and regional development policy. We have not to forget our old cultural traditions, we have to know particularities about our own culture, and we have to spread information and to be patriotic and active citizens.
From generation to generation transferred nation spiritual experience, full of different traditions and folk art forms, for centuries have helped to educate new generations.
Caring for ethnic culture is not just a matter of honor for the nation, it is essential for its existence, development and survival. There are number necessary sources for investigation of ethnic culture, such as written, iconographic, audio sources, various studies. But in modern society, we must look for new ways to disseminate the cultural heritage not only in our own country but in the world. One of the biggest drawbacks of the research of ethnic culture is that it is often confined only to their own country, people, not to care and iota and even there is no interest in what is around, we often do not know about our neighbors, countries which are closely bound walls, not speaking about the countries which are in other side of Europe or away from our country. Most of the people magnified their own ethnic culture, it is considered as a higher level of culture than in neighboring countries culture. But we have to understand that we, like other nations, are the inherent part of world and Europe. All the countries make unit and this unit could be qualitatively when each part will know about each other.
Target group: providers of courses and trainings for adults, trainees (18-25 years old), seniors (55+), adult education managers.